On this week’s episode of Awake & On Purpose Podcast, Jennifer speaks about the signs that change is on the way in your business and life.

Recently, Jennifer took some time to slow down in her business, step back and reevaluate how she wanted to navigate her path forward. She asked herself what she wanted 2022 to really look like and how could she make every aspect of her life, including her business, feel easy and fun.

Sometimes it is harder to discern what we really find fulfilling and joyful in life, because there is so much noise “out there”. But on the way forward, there are some sure signs that can lead us to the change we really want in our lives and businesses.

In this episode, Jennifer shares how our mission and purpose is a journey, not a destination and is ever evolving. She talks about some actions we can take to receive the clarity we desire in how to move forward.

Jennifer also shares about a 3-month private container she’s created to work with her one-on-one to help you with the step by step actions and your soul’s business blueprint to move you forward, along with supporting you in the mindset challenges that come up along the way. If you’re interested in receiving support in this way, please reach out to Jennifer directly at [email protected].

To learn more about how you can achieve a fulfilled life, live your purpose and make an impact as a mission-driven leader, visit us at https://jenniferspor.com!

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