Steph and experienced teacher Adem Cetindemar discuss emotional regulation development and strategies for autistic children and young people who have severe learning difficulties.

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Last Updated on January 30, 2023 by Steph Reed

Podcast Episode Notes

The second episode of the Autism Spectrum Teacher Podcast is a conversation about emotional regulation with Adem Cetindamar, an experienced teacher for children and young people with autism and severe learning difficulties.

We discuss what emotional regulation means, the importance of teaching regulating strategies and the impact this can have on learning and everyday life.

Questions covered in this episode: 

What is emotional regulation?

What are emotional regulating strategies? 

We also discuss practical ideas for understanding and supporting emotional regulation development including:

Knowing your studentsControlling environmental factorsSensory sensitivitiesConsistencyUnderstanding the possible reason behind behaviourImplementing functional communication supportsTeaching a functional regulating strategy to replace a harmful strategyBreaking down an activity into steps
Language strategiesPlanning strategiesThe usefulness of filming a lesson or activityGiving time to yourself as a parent of teacher to reflectEnjoying your children and interacting with them at their level using Intensive Interaction

You can read more about teaching emotional regulation strategies in my blog post Emotional regulation: Teaching autistic children to recognise and respond to their emotion and Emotional regulation & communication table supports for children with autism.

As mentioned in the podcast, I have explained ‘Intensive Interaction’ in more detail in the blog post Intensive Interaction and early communication development.

You can listen to the first episode of the podcast all about inclusive teaching and support strategies here AST 1: Successful Teaching and Support Strategies (that will not just benefit autistic children, but ALL children!).

Please share this podcast with anyone who you think this information will be of any help or interest and subscribe to the podcast via the links at the top of the page.

Thank you again to Adem Cetindamar, what an interesting and informative conversation!

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