I share success stories of experiences where visual resources have had a big impact on autistic children's understanding and this has helped with their communication, independence and learning.

The post #4: Success Stories: The impact of visual resources for autistic children appeared first on Autism Spectrum Teacher.

Last Updated on July 15, 2022 by Steph Reed

Podcast Episode Notes

One of the ways we can really enhance children’s understanding is through the use of visual resources. By visual resources I mean anything from pictures to photos to symbols to physical objects. Anything visual that when paired with a word, enhances meaning and understanding.

So an example of using a visual resource versus not using a visual resource would be… When asking the question “do you want an apple or pear?”. I could ask this question with no visual resource or I could ask this question by having an actual apple and pear in each hand, or by showing a picture of an apple and pear.

The addition of the visual resources can really help a child’s understanding of the question, as well as help the child to focus on the question and additionally help to develop communication and language because the adult is modelling the vocabulary in context. For example, saying ‘apple’ when showing an apple.

Using visual resources to enhance understanding and develop language and communication can make such a difference and will help to prevent challenging behaviour, because the child’s understanding is supported.

In this podcast episode, I share examples through my experience of teaching children with autism, where using visual resources has made such an impact for the child. These experiences taught me so much and I want to share this with you.


Success story 1: Weeing in the toilet – the importance of ensuring the visual resource we use is meaningful and specific.

Success story 2: Like and don’t like visuals – the importance of making visual supports accessible.

Success story 3: Now and next board – how supporting transitions visually can impact a child’s understanding, engagement and learning.

I also provide information on an upcoming training workshop with Widgit Software and myself on April the 26th 2019, 10:00 – 12:30 at Camden Learning Centre in London.

I hope you enjoy the episode! Please share it with anyone who you think will benefit from the information or who may find it interesting.

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The post #4: Success Stories: The impact of visual resources for autistic children appeared first on Autism Spectrum Teacher.