Writing historical figures can be a lot of fun. But it also comes with a lot of expectations. Especially if you have access to resources that will tell you about them. If this is the case, it's essential that you do your best to portray them as accurately as possible. My guest M.B. Zucker endeavored to do that in his book The Eisenhower Chronicles and talks about this in the episode.


02:31MMichael's Story

13:40 What is a biographical drama

16:40 Why it's important to portray historical figures accurately

20:30 Writing historical people when you have little info about them

24:03 Keys to consider

26:32 Where to start with a character outline

34:20 Sources to use when doing research

38:33 What elements should you add to a character profile

43:25 Author Action Point

Visit https://authoryourdream.com/episode/historical-figures/ for more show notes.