This episode I have an authentic talk with Lauren G. Foster, Founder, Speaker, Teacher & Success Coach of Be Happy First.

Lauren is a certified Life Mastery Consultant and Dream Builder Coach, and the founder of Be Happy First, a movement to teach the world the power of thought and intention. For more than 30 years, Lauren has studied the Laws of the Universe, Positive Psychology and Meditation under such greats as Mary Morrissey and davidji. The result is a dynamic presentation that demonstrates the power in each of us to create our lives in any way we choose, to be abundant in every way; health, relationships, joyful work, and time & money freedom. She teaches her audiences to achieve success in every endeavor by creating from the vision of our most desired outcome.

If you want to really pump up and motivate your audience, Lauren is a great choice. She is and inspired and inspiring speaker on every area of life, including but not limited to: Sales and Business building, relationship building, job satisfaction, achieving optimal health…. No matter what the objective, Lauren teaches the psychological and spiritual means of excelling with ease and grace and joy.

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