I recently visited Armenia with my family for the first after 12 years. Even though I was born there and know pretty much what the culture is but to my surprise things had changed. This visit was special because I was visiting as a parent and parent educator and I was very intentional to observe how the Armenian people do the parenting business. Also, I met my friends there for the first time as parents with families.

For this episode I invited my dear friend Lusine to join me via Skype to discuss parenting differences and similarities between the Armenia and America. Lusine is a mother of an almost 10 years old boy. Lusine has noted that the issues are the same regardless of the geographical location. What surprised me about Lusine and most parents I talked to there, is that they have never even read a single parenting book. And this is why I pose a question: are we  over-parenting here in America?

Let’s dig in. :)

Some things we discuss:

-dreaded screen time and setting limits, the Armenian way vs The American (my way more specifically, don’t laugh at me too much)

-reasons why they are more relaxed around technology and media

-how does she get her kid to do things without yelling, nagging, punishing

-do kids have more freedom there?

-why kids are so easy going there and don’t give a hard time to their parents at least from my observations

-some secrets to setting limits

-how to teach kids to be respectful toward elderly

-why they have very few power struggles

-and so much more

She doesn’t follow any particular parenting style or philosophy. She says it comes to her naturally.

About my guest who also happens to be my dear friend:)

Lusine Taslakyan has twenty years of experience in water and environmental sector in Armenia and the Southern Caucasus.  She has a Masters Degree in Water Science, Policy and Management from the University of Oxford, UK, MSc in Environmental Science from the University of Idaho, USA and MSc in Biology and Ecology from the Armenian State Pedagogical University.  Ms. Taslakyan is specialized in natural resources management, policy development, river basin planning, trans-boundary cooperation, environmental impact assessment, climate change, stakeholder relations and gender mainstreaming issues. She has long term experience in promoting public awareness and participation in environmental decision making.

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