In this episode of Authentic Moments host Anna Seewald and guest Christina Fletcher talk about Christina's journey of becoming a spiritually aware parent.

Christina Fletcher is a spiritually aware parent coach who helps parents tap into their own inner resources and be their authentic selves, as well as to see their children as the true spiritual beings we all are through tools, meditations and exercises. Christina is also an author and has released 4 books, as well as freelanced for numerous international publications and her own blog, Parenting From Source. For more information please visit her website

How she has moved from being a controlling parent with her two daughters and changed her ways with her third child. 
She also shares a very simple yet powerful practice the power of setting an intention word for the week. 

Quotes from this episode: 

“There is a freedom in vulnerability”

“The more authentic I was to me...the more I was showing up for them.”

-We all have the “should” voice. 
-Her homeschooling experience 
-Mistakes she has made along the way
-In the off moments doubts can creep in...


She also shares her 4 steps to pushing the reset button for overwhelmed and frustrated parents. 
Download her free guide on her web site.

We laugh and share some authentic moments.

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