Intrinsic Motivation

In this episode, Dr. Andy interviews me on my experience with the a few of the exercises in the Intrinsic Motivation section of the Authentic Growth Blueprint. We will dive into an excercise that helps us gain clarity on our best possible self and even a powerful eulogy exercise from the program We will dive into how intrinsic motivation can help us achieve flowstate all aspects of life. 

Join us as we discover how to build the framework for the best version of ourselves.

From a “Best Possible Self” exercise to a “Eulogy” exercise, we will discover what it means to be intrinsically motivated and how you can use it to spark passion and achieve “flow state” in every area of our lives. 

Join us as we discover how to build the framework for the best version of ourselves.

“A physician who views the work as a Job and is simply interested in making a good income does not have a Calling, while a garbage collector who sees the work as making the world a cleaner, healthier place could have a Calling.”

Martin Seligman - Authentic Happiness 

What we discuss with Dr. Andy

Curtis talks us through his experience with the best possible self exercise 3:10 Building the framework for your authentic self 15:10 What it means to be intrinsically motivated 17:05 The tie between intrinsic motivation and passion 19:00 The role crafting exercise 20:00 The eulogy exercise 29:09 A dopamine addiction cycle 35:05 Tying intrinsic motivation to flowstate, in every area of your life 35:50

Reflection Question

Passion fulfillment and happiness does not come from leisure and comfort, but the pursuit of a meaningful goal. What is one worthy goal that you have been neglecting for the sake of comfort? What can you do about it today?

Resources from this Episode 

Authentic Happiness - Martin Seligman

Dr. Andy’s Authentic Growth Blueprint

Questions/Comments? Follow us on Twitter @Dr_AndyGarrett

Dr. Andy Garrett

With a doctorate in clinical psychology and extensive studies in life coaching and consultancy, Dr. Andy Garrett is at the forefront of a revolutionary movement towards personal growth. Dr. Andy is the author of the Authentic Growth Blueprint program and runs his clinical practice in Newport Beach, Pasadena, and Claremont California.

More info here --

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About the Dr. Andy Show

Join psychology coach, Dr. Andy Garrett and co-host Curtis Hunnicutt as we turn the human mind inside out in pursuit of discovering what it means to be your authentic self -- and how this discovery can enhance every aspect of your life. We will discuss high performance, psychological research, family, spirituality, productivity and life change with some of the planet’s most interesting and effective people. Here, you will be challenged to dive deeper, so that you can go further and become better. 

Do you have an intrinsic design that you are meant to uncover? Or are you stacking the building blocks of your true identity as you go about your daily life? Could it be both? 

Join us as we explore these thoughts and turn it into practical application for your everyday life.


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