Main Topics: Values, Self Worth, Masculine and Feminine Energy, Healing, Emotions


James Garside is a personal development coach and workshop facilitator who helps men build an unshakeable foundation of purpose and direction for their lives, by reconnecting to their core values and what they stand for. He came to this work on the other side of his own long-term existential crisis - feelings of disillusionment at the contribution his career in advertising was making to society, and the lingering shame and self-criticism that told him he wasn’t ‘enough’. 


After a painful breakup, losing his job and a subsequent breakdown, his deep pain drove him to explore every technique, workshop and healing modality he could get his hands on, in an attempt to overcome his own demons. Along the way, he realised that what he was truly seeking was more meaning and purpose in life - and that these could only be found by looking within. He now helps to guide people who have come to the same realisation - that there’s more to this existence than just material success, but aren’t yet sure how to move into alignment with the desires of their soul.


Key topics include: 

⭐️ Establishing Our Core Values and Building Self-Worth From Within 

⭐️ The Importance of Balancing The Masculine and Feminine Energy

⭐️ How Contributing To Others Creates Purpose And Meaning In Our Life

⭐️ Using Emotional Release to Heal Past Trauma

⭐️ Living A More Balanced and Fulfilling Life by Releasing Our Energy Blockages 

⭐️ Accepting The Human Experience and Freeing Ourselves From Shame 

⭐️ Embracing The Full Spectrum Of Our Emotions So We Can Live An Authentic Life

⭐️ Expanding Our Experience By Attuning to Ourselves And Connecting to Others

⭐️ Projections We Have on People And How That Harms Us 

⭐️ Taking Responsibility For Ourselves and Letting Go of The Victim Mentality


Connect With David - The Authentic Man:




For Coaching: [email protected] 



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