Lori and Gordon - Sprinkman Real Estate

Buying real estate can be a challenge.  Helping people find and buy real estate can be a challenge as well.
Lori Schilling's story in business is a phenomenal story of success, challenges, pivots and growth.  She started a spa business years ago, built it into a successful empire and sold it.  She is now the Lori of Lori and Gordon real estate, using her magnetic personality and savvy business sense to help her clients with their real estate deals.
Gordon started his real estate career by flipping houses.  From this experience, he has joined forces with Lori to help their clients get all the necessary perspectives to evaluate a property.
Listen as Lori and Gordon share their business journey to becoming successful real estate agents, along with the challenges they overcame along the way.


Visit Lori and Gordon here: https://www.sprinkmanrealestate.com/agent/lori-and-gordon/

You have found Authentic
Business Adventures,

the business program that brings you
the struggle stories

and triumphant successes
of business owners across the land.

We're locally underwritten
by the Bank of Sun Prairie.

My name is James Kademan, entrepreneur,

author, speaker, and helpful coach to small
business owners across the country.

And today, we're welcoming/preparing

to learn from Lori and Gordon
of Lori and Gordon Real Estate.

So Lori and Gordon, how are you guys.
Doing today?

We are awesome.
Thanks, James, for having us.


I'm excited because Lori,
I've known you for a long time.

And when we first met, you were
not in the real estate business.

Gordon, I met you today.
Five minutes ago.

Five minutes.

You were not in the real estate business

when you got into the
whole business world.


It's been a while.

But here we are in this amazing office
here, downtown Madison, I would say.

Thank you.

Let's start with you, Lori

when you first got started on
entrepreneurial journey.

Let's just take it back, way back
to when you first started.

Your business.

James, remember, we met
when we were six years old.

Six years, right.

It was little blocks.

Well, thanks for having us today.

It's exciting to be here and
thank you for tuning in and watching us.

Gordon and I have been working together

for the last almost four years,
but our goal is to share with you a little

bit about the journey
of what we did prior to meeting each other

and then what we've done
over the last few years.

It's been interesting.
Lots of different curveballs and COVID and

all the random things that get
thrown at business owners.

Real estate in the past four years, I can
imagine, was super feast or super famine.

Yes, it has been exciting is the word.



I went to University of Madison.

I'm pretty much born and raised here.

We moved here as a family when I was
six or seven years old.

I definitely eat, live, and sleep,
and breathe, Madison, Wisconsin.

After school, I had visions and dreams of

being a high powered suit wearing
female in the marketing world.

Oh, really?
That's what you went to school for?

That's what I went to school for.
Oh, interesting.

I never knew this.

Turns out the only place