Jason Yarusi - Yarusi Holdings - Real Estate Investing

On growing multifamily investments: "All we had to do was go in there and just basically run it better. Just put in a better process, lease it up, lease it up higher rates, and now we are meeting our goals."

Despite seemingly thousands of apartment buildings going up almost every where you look, the country still has a housing deficit.  This is great news for anyone looking to get into the multifamily real estate investing game.

Jason Yarusi of Yarusi holdings explains the ins and outs of his journey as a real estate investor and how he has learned to find some great properties.

Listen as Jason shares his real estate insights.  You'll walk away with a few key tips that could make you a lot of money in your real estate investment strategy.

Don't forget, your journey to business triumph is just a play button away. Tune in, get inspired, and let's turn your business dreams into reality! #BusinessCoaching #Entrepreneurship #RealEstateInvesting


Visit Jason at: https://www.yarusiholdings.com/

Podcast Overview:

00:00 Entrepreneur opens restaurants, bar, brewery, construction company.
04:05 Real estate became a solution for busyness.
08:46 Transition from late nights to early mornings.
11:19 Flipping real estate requires efficient time management.
15:55 Invested in equipment for building structures efficiently.
19:02 Investing in growing markets, accelerating building value.
20:07 Forming management company, seeking investments, raising capital.
24:02 Poor operation running, surrounded by well-operating buildings.
26:50 Investment offers preferred return based on performance.
30:13 Manage smaller properties in-house, larger outsourced.
33:28 Obtaining up to 80% loan to value.
38:48 Need trusted allies for efficient plan implementation.
42:36 Property growth challenges due to infrastructure issues.
45:58 States handled pandemic differently, facing unique challenges.
47:11 Meeting housing demand, facing challenges of supply.
50:45 Market higher with forecasted rate cuts expected. Banks uncertain about loan pricing due to unexpected rise in rates. Fed anticipates breather and rate reduction.
54:29 Enjoyed podcasts on various topics, highly recommended.
56:29 Balanced partnership ensures focused, valuable business growth.
59:48 Authentic Business Adventures shares business success stories.
Podcast Transcription:
James [00:00:02]:
You have found Authentic Business Adventures, the business program that brings you the struggle stories and training for successes of business owners across the land. Downloadable audio episodes can be found on the podcast link found at draw in customers.com. We are locally underwritten by the Bank of Sun Prairie. My name is James. And today, we're welcoming slash preparing to learn from Jason at Yarusi Holdings. So, Jason, how is it going today?

Jason [00:00:27]:
Hey. It's going great. I'm excited to be here.

James [00:00:30]:
Yeah. Tell us, I guess, just to get started here, what is Yarusi Holdings?

Jason [00:00:34]:
Sure. Yarusi Holdings is a multifamily investment firm, down here just south of Nashville, Tennessee in a town called Murfreesboro. We've acquired a little over 3,000 apartment units, back since, 2016. So in In a ThruLine, we buy apartment communities. We do this through something mainly through something called syndication where we, raise investment spend capital so we can buy these apartment buildings and typically reposition them in the better places to live, which typically generates better revenue, Bigger bottom line, which usually, leads to outsized returns for our investors.

James [00:01:08]:
Alright. Super cool. That's, I mean, cool. The real estate investment game is Always one that helps. I guess it's, I don't know. I got a lot of friends in it. I'm in it a tiny amount, nowhere near 3,000 doors. That's a that's a lot of doors.