Arta Wildeboer - Real Estate Professional in Canada

On the Challenging Relationship Employers Are Forced Into: "People are very sensitive about their disabilities. They're very passionate about having their disabilities, validated having their disabilities. Kind of, just understood by their employers."

Legal woes are almost an expectation in business.  From the ins and outs of often complex laws, paired with the general lack of legal knowledge, it can make an entrepreneurs head spin and their wallet empty.
In this episode attorney Arta Wildeboer sheds light on the complexities of navigating labor disputes, the meticulous demands of the California judicial system, and the unforeseen consequences of well-intended legislation. As we navigated through the COVID-19 pandemic, which has seen a sharp rise in employment litigation, Arta discusses the nuances of the state’s wage and hour laws and the judicial pushback against the overwhelming flood of small employment claims.
With personal anecdotes and expert insights, Arta also highlights common pitfalls for small business owners—like the lack of a company handbook or inadequate employee procedures—and outlines practical steps for entrepreneurs to protect their ventures through handbooks, LLCs, and crucial insurance.

From the grueling process of becoming an attorney, which included an eventful bar exam experience, to the significance of insurance and the role of attorneys and CPAs in establishing LLCs, Arta provides a comprehensive view of the legal landscape facing today's business owners.

As we discuss how legal challenges overlap with the daily operational struggles, we uncover why managing employees effectively is more essential than ever and how employers and employees alike contribute to the complexities of the workplace.

Listen as Arta offers a few tips on how to navigate the minefield of legal challenges that being a business owner forces you to tip-toe through.


Visit Arta at:

Podcast Overview:

00:00 Transition from student to lawyer was challenging.
07:59 First fender bender experience led to frustration.
11:41 California bar exam: 3 prompts, 3 hours.
19:15 Challenges of dealing with employee disabilities in companies.
23:51 Proving wrongful termination can be complex.
27:22 Mandatory lunch breaks, penalties, and employee management.
36:45 Legal protection needed, talk to attorney, CPA.
39:08 California business environment: regulation, population draws.
47:45 Southern work culture emphasizes loyalty and gratitude.
52:57 California's strict wage laws lead to problems.
58:35 Law protects against discrimination in workplace bullying.
01:03:49 Best way to find an attorney? Referrals.
01:04:47 Choose a lawyer you're truly comfortable with.

Podcast Transcription:

Arta Wildeboer [00:00:00]:
How how do you help a company or what what should a company be worried about? Well, you'd just be worried about anything you can get to for a long time. So

James [00:00:07]:
You have found Authentic Business Adventures, the business program that brings you the struggles, stories, and triumph and successes of business owners across the land. Downloadable audio episodes can be found in the podcast link found at drawincustomerscom. We are locally and written by the Bank of Sun Prairie. And today, we're welcoming slash preparing to learn from ArtaWildeboer, an attorney that helps all kinds of people. And this is interesting because he's in California, which if anybody of you any of you have actually done business in any states, including California, I feel like California has gotta be one of the worst states to actually do business in. So, anyways, Arta, welcome to the show.

Arta Wildeboer [00:00:46]:
James, thank you so much. I appreciate it. Thank you for having me. I'm excited to be here. I'm a lawyer, so I love to talk and Yeah. About myself and and stuff like that. So, yeah,