Jordan Silvester - Real Estate Professional in Canada

On the Often Chaotic Fluctuation of the Real Estate Market: "And when it first started happening, it takes a bit to get used to the idea that the market might go up instead of 2% a year, it might go percent up 2% a week. That's how insane the adjustment could be at certain times."

Real estate investing is one of the smartest moves you can make.  But like most investments, it is not entirely failsafe and it certainly involves some level of risk.

Jordan Silvester, a licensed Realtor and real estate investor, has lived through some good times and tumultuous times in real estate.
With the easy charm of someone who knows their place in the world, Jordan often reflects on the irony of how natural borders and human perception can differ. Just as the sunny allure of Florida stretches down farther south than parts of Mexico, the story of Jordan Silvester is one that defies conventional expectations, reminding all that sometimes, the places we hail from hold secrets and stories as unpredictable and captivating as the people who dwell within them.

For anyone involved or interested in the real estate market, this episode presents valuable insights into the dynamic nature of investing. Whether you're in Canada, the US, or anywhere else, understanding these concepts can help navigate the waters of property investment.

Listen as Jordan explains the ins and outs of investing and taking steps to ensure that you protect yourself from taking too large of a risk, while still being able to play the game.


Visit Jordan at

Podcast Overview:

00:00 Navigating tough times, reaching out for guidance.
04:24 Financial downturn in retrospect; slower fall, fewer increases.
07:42 Advising clients on managing market fluctuations wisely.
09:48 Varied options for choosing mortgage lenders are available.
15:37 Loss of wealth due to decreasing investment value.
17:33 Unexpected risks led to tough family decisions.
21:26 Optimal exchange rate crucial for cross-border trade.
23:20 Strategic property cash flow and financing decisions.
27:43 Poker player considers risk and personal wealth.
31:03 Setting up unit for functional resale was challenging.
33:08 Learn humility, verify with others, avoid self-deception.
36:02 Adapting to economic changes through skill-building or hustling.
39:05 Considered vehicle lease options, chosen truck for benefits.
43:55 Resilience in face of past challenges, memories.
46:12 Property viewing essential for relational and investment.
49:58 Trust knowledgeable people, but trust your gut.
52:45 Business lessons learned from challenging personal situation.
55:52 Business program showcasing owner stories, sponsored content.

Podcast Transcription:

Jordan Silvester [00:00:00]:
In real estate, if you think about that, like how quickly can you close something, renovate something, and flip something if you set your closing 33 months out because of the time that was a good idea because 3 months later, it was worth 10% more just because you waited.

James [00:00:13]:
Yep. You have found Authentic Business Adventures, the business program that brings you the struggle stories and triumph and successes of business owners across the land. Downloadable audio episodes can be found in the podcast link found at Today, we are welcoming slash preparing to learn from Jordan Sylvester, the real estate guru, I believe, of Windsor, Ontario. Is that correct, Jordan?

Jordan Silvester [00:00:36]:
That is correct, my friend.

James [00:00:38]:
That makes you, Canuck. Right?

Jordan Silvester [00:00:40]:
Yes. The good old, far north.

James [00:00:44]:
That's, that's that's alright. It's a good thing. We're in or I'm in Wisconsin, which is, like, Canada junior.

Jordan Silvester [00:00:49]:
Actually, you're further north than we are.

James [00:00:51]:
So, yeah,