Allan and Darren cover four issues in this latest episode. They begin by discussing the announcement by Prime Minister Morrison, in the lead-up to the recent Wentworth by-election, that the government would review its long-standing policy regarding whether Jerusalem should recognised as the capital of Israel, as well as Australia’s support for the Obama-era Iran nuclear deal. Next, using the killing of Jamal Khashoggi and Australia’s sanctioning of individuals in the Myanmar military as entry points, Darren asks Allan how governments balance competing interests on the question of human rights violations. Third, President Trump continues his battle international institutions, this time Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, and the Universal Postal Union (UPU). The podcast concludes by highlighting two areas of Australian diplomacy that have received relatively less attention: a new strategy to combat the death penalty, and the recent trade ministerial meeting in Canada—without either the US or China being invited.


As always, our thanks go to AIIA interns Stephanie Rowell and Mani Bovell, Martyn Pearce of the ANU’s Crawford School, Rory Stenning for composing our theme music, and AIIA CEO Melissa Conley-Tyler.


Relevant links


Daniel Drezner on Trump and the Universal Postal Union:


Launch of Australia’s Strategy for Abolition of the Death Penalty:


ANU School of Politics and International Relations: US Post-Midterm Election Roundtable (Monday 12 November, 6pm):