Allan and Darren devote the bulk of this episode to Sino-US relations in the context of Vice President Mike Pence’s recent speech at the Hudson Institute. They discuss the primary audience for the speech and the significance of the fact that it was Pence, and not Donald Trump, who delivered it. Darren asks Allan to evaluate the “bet” the West made in the 1990s and early 2000s to try to integrate China into the US-led international order, Allan discusses the risks of trying to “other” China, and the two discuss alternative views inside China itself on how to interpret Pence’s speech. Finally, they analyse the speech through an Australian lens, in light Australia’s longstanding interest in keeping the US engaged in the region. 

Finally, Allan offers some reflections arising out of the excellent 2018 AIIA National Conference held on Monday 15 October.

As always, our thanks go to AIIA interns Stephanie Rowell and Mani Bovell, Martyn Pearce of the ANU’s Crawford School, Rory Stenning for composing our theme music, and AIIA CEO Melissa Conley-Tyler.

Relevant links

2018 AIIA National Conference highlights

Vice President Mike Pence's Remarks on the Administration's Policy Towards China 

Jeff Colgan and Robert Keohane in Foreign Affairs: The Liberal Order is Rigged

Chen Dingding in The Diplomat: 3 Types of Chinese Reactions to Mike Pence’s China Speech

Prime Minister of Australia The Hon Scott Morrison MP speech at Chinese-Australian Community Event