What’s the key to standing out as a buyer in a multiple offer situation? Allow us to shed some light on this question, today.

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When the market is hot and competition between buyers is high, what is the best way to stand out from among the crowd? What’s the secret to having your offer accepted over the numerous others a seller might receive? Some buyers may speculate that it’s best to wait and see what other offers on a given home might look like before submitting their own, but this strategy doesn’t generally reap results. If you’re interested in a home, submit your highest and best offer as soon as possible. Yet, if this advice goes to all buyers, how can you make sure your “highest and best” is superior to another buyer’s? There are actually many steps you can take to set yourself apart. Offers above list price, offers with a high down payment, and offers with favorable terms will all spark a seller’s interest.
"If you’re interested in a home, submit your highest and best offer as soon as possible."
One tactic that may be less obvious, though, is to submit an offer letter. Writing the seller a letter that details why you’re interested in their home, and how living there would benefit you and your family could add the personal touch your offer needs to win. 

Of course, such tactics will be much more effective if you employ them under the guidance of an experienced, qualified real estate professional. Our team would love to help serve you on this front. We don’t like to lose and we would be happy to help you win.

If you have any other questions, would like more information, or are interested in how we can help you secure your dream home, feel free to give us a call or send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you soon.