We're very excited to announce our guest host for this week, actual journalist and confirmed poster, Cam Wilson! The three of us grill up some analysis, roast some of the fools in parliament, and snack down on some tasty memes. 

Entree: Tasmania had an election! Peter Gutwein is likely to form government, with the help of embattled Liberal candidate Adam "Terry" Brooks. 

Fashy Aus: The government has (slightly) walked back their language around the India travel ban. 

Positivity Corner: Australia is supporting a waiver on intellectual property around COVID vaccines and other medical equipment. Unfortunately it looks unlikely to come into effect any time soon. 

First Nations: CW for use of names and description of Indigenous people who have died & discussion of police violence and deaths in custody. The story runs from 26:00 - 35:20 and is about the inquiry into the death of Wayne Fella Morrison. 

SPOTW: Cam serves up some cricket drama, and promises an article on some major meme news. Plus we have Michael O'Brien (who?), the leader of the Victorian Liberal Party, dedicating the rest of his life to grilling. 

Mains: Cam has been following George Christensen closely and dishes up hot goss and informed speculation about why George does what he does and where he's going after this term of parliament. 

And you'll just have to listen to the end for our Pupdate! including Cam's little hound Rambo. 

Check out all of Cam's links and so on at https://linktr.ee/camwilson. Follow him on Twitter and at Crikey and elsewhere, or send him tips and ideas for stories! 

Support Auspol Snackpod financially and get a monthly bonus episode: www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod 

Support the call for a ban on spit hoods: https://nit.com.au/family-of-wayne-fella-morrison-plead-for-spit-hood-ban/ 

Support the Morrison family's legal costs: https://au.gofundme.com/f/justiceforfella