This week on Snackpod we're serving you...

Neopaganism: International Worker's Day

Fashy Australia: CW for mention of r*pe from 3:15 - 10:20 Peter Dutton sues Shane Bazzi, a refugee activist, for defamation. Support Shane's gofundme:

SPOTW: Craig Kelly is booted from Facebook and now is busy embarrassing himself on twitter, and we had some great OC in the group about it.

Blurst Take: Andrew Laming has been upgraded from "besieged" to "scandal-plagued", been diagnosed with ADHD, and hung up on a journalist. 

First Nations: CW for the names and description of First Nations people who have died from 35:00 - 42:40. There have been developments in the case of Ms Dhu, the Wayne Fella Morrison inquiry, and there have been two more deaths in custody.

Positivity Corner: victims of the Stolen Generations in the NT are are beginning a class action for compensation, a Dan Murphy's that was planned on the border of three dry Indigenous communities has been scrapped, and Zac was inspired by some traditional fire management practitioners.

Potluck: We have a small correction about something we never meant to say, and another, much larger correction (and excellent potluck) about the legal marijuana situation in Australia, which apparently is completely not what Noon said last week!

UFU: Crown Casino has been hit with a tiny fine and a letter of censure from the Victorian gambling regulator, and is up to their eyeballs in other inquiries into their many alleged crimes.

Coronas: Zac takes us through the situation with coronavirus in India and the Australian government dealing with it in a pretty terrible / racist way.

We have a new Business sting! Please leave us a review! And rate us! Please!!!! Please we want reviews!!!!!!!! I'm literally begging you.

And you'll just have to listen to the end for our Pupdate!

Support Shane Bazzi's legal fight against Peter Dutton: 

Listen to Andrew Laming's terrible interview:

Read the article from Arundhati Roy in the Guardian: