How Can Audio Branding Help Your Podcast or Company?

According to Harvard Business Review ( , Audio Branding is “the strategic use of sound … in positively differentiating a product or service, enhancing recall, creating preference, building trust, and even increasing sales.” So ultimately, think of it as a brand or podcast's emotional short hand - the quickest way to your listener's heart. How do you want them to feel when they hear you? And how does it help your podcast or company to reach your audience FASTER and on a deeper level?

I go into a lot more detail on my blog here (and in the audio of this podcast!): (

And here's that information on "earcons" that I mention - ( - talks about the Taco Bell promotion in London in more detail. 

If you'd like some help figuring out your audio brand, this worksheet might help!

Basically though: 

• Sound touches us immediately. It goes right to our hearts. People buy based on emotions and then justify it with logic, so touching your listeners’ emotions makes it much more likely they’ll remember you. Be intentional with how you want them to feel when they see and hear your brand.

• The world is full of visual distraction, especially now. Sound cuts through the noise. It reaches us on a deeply personal level. If you want to be noticed, you need to be heard.

• Music is a universal language. The instruments and tonal structure may change, but essentially, you can communicate emotion to a global audience without needing to know the language they speak. That means that if you invest in an effective audio brand, you can reach your intended audience on an emotional level, FAST—anywhere they might be listening. It doesn’t matter what your native language is if people can relate to the sound.

Sometimes it's hard to know where to start. But figuring out an audio brand to match your visual brand, isn't as difficult as you think. I've created a worksheet that will give you a hand with this and you can download it at ( , if you're interested.

And I hope you stay safe and healthy! Take care of yourself, ok?

Would you consider reviewing the Audio Branding Podcast? If so, here's the Apple Podcast link: (  And if you like what you hear (and read!) - please do share it with anyone you think might be interested. Thanks so much!

How Can Audio Branding Help Your Podcast or Company?

According to Harvard Business Review [4], Audio Branding is “the strategic use of sound … in positively differentiating a product or service, enhancing recall, creating preference, building trust, and even increasing sales.” So ultimately, think of it as a brand or podcast's emotional short hand - the quickest way to your listener's heart. How do you want them to feel when they hear you? And how does it help your podcast or company to reach your audience FASTER and on a deeper level?

I go into a lot more detail on my blog here (and in the audio of this podcast!):

And here's that information on "earcons" that I mention - My blog about Advertising At Cannes - - talks about the Taco Bell promotion in London in more detail. 

If you'd like some help figuring out your audio brand, this worksheet might help!

Basically though: 

• Sound touches us immediately. It goes right to our hearts. People buy based on emotions and then justify it with logic, so touching your listeners’ emotions makes it much more likely they’ll remember you. Be intentional with how you want them to feel when they see and hear your brand.

• The world is full of visual distraction, especially now. Sound cuts through the noise. It reaches us on a deeply personal level. If you want to be noticed, you need to be heard.

• Music is a universal language. The instruments and tonal structure may change, but essentially, you can communicate emotion to a global audience without needing to know the language they speak. That means that if you invest in an effective audio brand, you can reach your intended audience on an emotional level, FAST—anywhere they might be listening. It doesn’t matter what your native language is if people can relate to the sound.

Sometimes it's hard to know where to start. But figuring out an audio brand to match your visual brand, isn't as difficult as you think. I've created a worksheet that will give you a hand with this and you can download it at , if you're interested.

And I hope you stay safe and healthy! Take care of yourself, ok?

Would you consider reviewing the Audio Branding Podcast? If so, here's the Apple Podcast link: And if you like what you hear (and read!) - please do share it with anyone you think might be interested. Thanks so much!