Jason Bryden is a political activist and entertainer who co-hosts a podcast called Politicized. The show focuses on Canadian politics and the ultra-left viewpoint that Jason identifies with. Jason explains why he chose to discuss such a polarizing topic in a podcast format. He also shares some of the technical challenges he faced while recording his first few episodes.

[click_to_tweet tweet="I think I'm best when I'm pumping out content and waiting for something to stick." quote="I think I'm best when I'm pumping out content and waiting for something to stick."]

Jason also hosts In the Dark a companion show to Politicized as well as a couple of novelty shows. We discuss the struggle to put out good content and how a host can get better at presenting their content. Jason is so passionate about improving the quality of podcasting in general that we have included some great resources for podcasters who want to improve their mic technique or presentation overall in the resources section of these notes.

Today’s highlights:

How Jason got engaged in politics.
Why he takes a comedic tone with his show.
Why Jason doesn’t use social media or pay attention to the statistics.
His goals for the podcast.
How podcasting can be a tool for activism.
Why Audacity is a great recording tool.
How Jason schedules his content recordings.
Why podcasters need to get attention with their delivery.
Practice without expectations.
Jason’s advice for other podcasters.

[click_to_tweet tweet="One of the beautiful things about podcasting, from my perspective, is what you're doing and the ability to kinda step above the mainstream noise and be able to be as independent as you want. " quote="One of the beautiful things about podcasting, from my perspective, is what you're doing and the ability to kinda step above the mainstream noise and be able to be as independent as you want. "]



In the Dark Show

The Complaint Department

Thank you for joining me for today’s Podcast Hackers episode! Tune in next time as we continue to have in-depth conversations with experts who can help make your podcast the best it can be