My guest today is Chris Ball, a physical trainer and financial planner. Chris is the host of Build Financial Muscle, a podcast that marries the discipline of a healthy lifestyle with healthy financial habits. The show is currently up to seventeen episodes and is finding a wider audience.

[click_to_tweet tweet="Just getting good feedback, that people are enjoying the content, that they get some inspiration and encouragement from it (podcast), that's really rewarding to me" quote="Just getting good feedback, that people are enjoying the content, that they get some inspiration and encouragement from it (podcast), that's really rewarding to me"]

Chris and I discuss the mental blocks that prevented him from starting his podcast. He also shares how he moved past those blocks and launched his show. We discuss the ease of setting up a podcast and the future of Build Financial Muscle.

If you are finding yourself holding back on creating your podcast, let this episode inspire you to move forward with it. Getting started is easier than you think and Chris has some relatable insights for you.

Today’s highlights:

Chris’s background.
How FinCon helped Chris develop his podcast.
The benefits of attending conferences.
How podcasting builds a tribe and can help a community.
How Chris likes to offer his listeners encouragement.
The best advice Chris received about podcasting.
How to grow with your podcast.
Chris’s plans to expand his content to include guests.
Chris’s advice for beginner podcasters.

[click_to_tweet tweet="Despite being a perfectionist and nervous about wanting it to be perfect, I just started doing it (podcasting) and it's been a real joy." quote="Despite being a perfectionist and nervous about wanting it to be perfect, I just started doing it (podcasting) and it's been a real joy."]


Build Financial Muscle


Thank you for joining me for today’s Podcast Hackers episode! Tune in next time as we continue to have in-depth conversations with experts who can help make your podcast the best it can be!