With the holidays coming up it’s a good time to discuss something most of us, if not all of us, do wrong: eating. We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again — you’re only as good as the quality of things you consume. That includes everything you consume — mentally, physically, and spiritually. Obviously, quality food is a major component of your health.

Chelsea joins Tim and Steve to discuss “Mindful Eating” — because WHY you eat, WHAT you eat, and HOW you eat all matter.

We often talk on our podcast about being mindful. We talk about our actions, decisions, how we generally conduct ourselves, and the importance of controlling how we react to things. A good life involves having awareness and making appropriate choices. In this episode we relate that directly to food. You’ll hear about coping mechanisms — why we eat when we’re anxious, stressed, and bored — and how to change that to deliberate, intentional, mindful eating.

Chelsea’s business mentioned: Fuel for Thought Nutrition