Like the song “Joy and Pain” this episode reminds us that life’s beauty often comes after pain.

Learn through your mistakes

One of the biggest fears people have is failure

You've got to experience failure before you can succeed

Sometimes you must taste the “sour” before you can enjoy the “sweet”

“Joy and pain are like sunshine and rain
Over and over you can be sure
There will be sorrow but you will endure
Where there's a flower there's the sun and the rain
Oh and it's wonderful they're both one in the same”

— Frankie Beverly (Rob Base and DJ E-Z Rock)

Like the song “Joy and Pain” this episode reminds us that life’s beauty often comes after pain.

Learn through your mistakes

One of the biggest fears people have is failure

You've got to experience failure before you can succeed

Sometimes you must taste the “sour” before you can enjoy the “sweet”

“Joy and pain are like sunshine and rain Over and over you can be sure There will be sorrow but you will endure Where there's a flower there's the sun and the rain Oh and it's wonderful they're both one in the same”

— Frankie Beverly (Rob Base and DJ E-Z Rock)