Self-awareness is "an awareness of one's own personality or individuality". If we’re made of three parts — mind, body, and spirit — it only makes sense that when all three are balanced we’re at our best. To achieve that — we either need to evaluate objectively, or trust family and friends to help us consider the facts, rather than our personal feelings. Otherwise, our ego takes over and we become selfish.

Between Dave’s own awareness and his wife and son’s help, he’s become skilled at keeping his mind, body, and spirit firing on all cylinders. He joins us to talk about that, along with the story behind the Tree of Inspiration 2020.

The LION represents the MIND. Its traits are majesty, strength, courage, justice, and military might. It symbolizes balance and sound judgment. Because the lion shares the world of both night and day, it bears a message of prudence — reminding us not to overdo certain things. Rather, keep an even mind and an overall balance in our activities.

The BEAR represents the BODY. As a protector, it symbolizes courage, physical strength, and leadership. Bears are strong, agile, and quick. The bear is a good omen, and conveys authority and emotional healing. This animal has been worshiped throughout time, inspiring those who need courage to stand up against adversity.

The EAGLE represents the SPIRIT. It conveys the powers and messages of the spirit, and is man’s connection to the divine because it flies higher than any other bird. It bestows freedom and courage to look ahead. The eagle is symbolic of honesty and truth, and its presence brings you closer to your true self. It serves as a reminder to be ready to take advantage of any opportunities that come to you.