No one knows for sure what the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic will be in 6 months — let alone 6 years. The world is changing, and a phrase being tossed around is the “new normal.” But it’s important to realize “new normal” is an oxymoron. It’s a contradiction. Things can be “new.” Or they can be “normal.” But they can’t be both — not for some time yet. It may seem as if we’re quibbling over semantics, but words have meaning. Words have power.

If you’re feeling confused — that’s OK. Many of us are. Until the dust settles, very little is normal. So don’t bother trying to make sense of it, because it might just frustrate you more.

Accept this period of vulnerability and confusion in order to grow, because one thing that IS definitely normal — is feeling confused. Use that emotional energy to Attack Life, Not Others.

One thousand days to learn; ten thousand days to refine. — Japanese Proverb