From a scrawny kid with asthma who was abused and bullied, to a world champion martial artist with multiple black belts — Matt Stait is our guest on this episode. When Matt was a teenager his father committed suicide. Shortly after that, he was diagnosed with PTSD. He spent many years working as a bouncer and a bodyguard, and now runs a martial arts gym in the UK. He is the CEO and co-founder of Team Fightback CIC — an organization which helps military veterans through martial arts. Matt is an author of books and magazine articles, a creator of online courses, along with being a public speaker, and corporate trainer.

If you could use some positive energy and inspiration amid all the uncertainty and startling news with the COVID-19 crisis — this episode will do it for you. You'll hear:

How everything goes back to your mindset

Ways to practice having an “attitude of gratitude”

How to change your perception so that many so-called problems disappear

How just like Tim and Steve discussed last week — Matt, too, is cautious of who he surrounds himself with and what information he is taking in

Please visit Matt’s Modern Samurai website. You’ll find links to his books, courses, and more.