If you’re going to listen to only one episode, this might be the one to “reset” the way you view your life. Our guest — Life Coach, Dr Bernie — explains how the only true reality is the present moment. Hear why he says every moment of every day is your chance to be “reborn.” He shares his “closet story” along with what he’s determined to be our purpose here on earth. Other key takeaways include:

The importance of being a good soul and helping others

If there’s something you don’t like about yourself — you can change — right now

Why most of us don't know how to activate what we already have in our possession

Once you learn to activate your innate knowledge you will understand your existence

Time is an illusion; you can’t hold on to anything; all you have is the moment — and in that moment you can change

The past is gone, it’s in the “quicksand of time” — it holds nothing over you, and has no relevance other than memories

Everybody makes mistakes; the beauty of living in the moment is those mistakes are in the past; learn from them and move on — because you have no other choice anyway