If you’ve heard our show before you’ll know we use principles from the martial arts as the foundation for discussion, but in a way so that the concepts can be appreciated by everyone — even those who are NOT martial artists. Our show is intended for anyone who’s looking to live a healthier, cleaner, more vibrant, fulfilling life and become a better, stronger person.

We continue to follow that format, however, if you ARE a martial artist you’ll really appreciate this episode. Sensei Tim Speiss, who is also a federal agent, is another very experienced, accomplished martial artist. He and Sensei Hoover, in fact, have a common teacher. For many years they both trained under Master Tim Hawk.

They discuss how martial arts are seamlessly woven into the fabric of their lives. Hear about:

The 45 degree angle principle to get a different perspective on things

The hurricane concept, and how remaining calm when faced with “high winds” and dynamic activity can help you “weather the storm”