We asked our instructors to share the practical things they're doing during COVID19 to keep their voiceover careers moving forward! Awesome tips!
Sign up for any of our classes/workshops here: www.AtlantaVoiceoverStudio.com (click BOOK NOW)
For our HOME STUDIO SET-UP TUTORIAL - https://atlantavoiceoverstudio.com/vo-training-resources/
Example of the Animatic Thessaly created: https://www.instagram.com/p/B-Kuh1RATX-/

We asked our instructors to share the practical things they're doing during COVID19 to keep their voiceover careers moving forward! Awesome tips!

Sign up for any of our classes/workshops here: www.AtlantaVoiceoverStudio.com (click BOOK NOW)

For our HOME STUDIO SET-UP TUTORIAL - https://atlantavoiceoverstudio.com/vo-training-resources/

Example of the Animatic Thessaly created: https://www.instagram.com/p/B-Kuh1RATX-/