The show is baaaaaaack! We know it’s been a little bit… and Weeze is excited to reconnect. If you’re tuned in on social media or substack, you’ve been dialed in to the shifts, changes and transformations that have been afoot. In this short and sweet chat, Weeze rehashes what’s been up, how things are shifting, what is pulling her forward and what you can expect as you dive deeper into community with Weeze whether through the Podcast, the Community or over on Patreon. 

How do we continue to show up for community without first practicing and more deeply embodying the work we teach? In this episode, Weeze shares candidly about her journey towards deeper alignment with her work, and values. Tune in to hear about all the things!

Lastly, Weeze would love for you to get involved with her foundation, The Asafa Collective through Volunteering, Donating and Sharing about the work (linked below).

Key Takeaways: 

Rest, Transformation and Alignment as Liberation Tools

Broadening the Conversations and Applying Liberatory Lens

Cultivating space for the full work

Get involved with The Asafa Collective; volunteer, donate, share.

Rewriting all the rules, all the time


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