Joining me on the show today is Ben Froedge, who helps design and marketing agencies go from data-bankrupt to data-driven, and in the process, prove to clients the value they’re delivering.

We go in-depth with Google Analytics, where Ben explains how this free tool can be used to measure and demonstrate the bottom-line results that agencies deliver.

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Joining me on the show today is Ben Froedge, who helps design and marketing agencies go from data-bankrupt to data-driven, and in the process, prove to clients the value they’re delivering.

We go in-depth with Google Analytics, and Ben explains how this free tool can be used to measure and demonstrate the bottom-line results that agencies deliver to their clients.

Jump ahead to the following times if you’re interested in a specific topic:

2:22 - Intro to Google Analytics

4:55 - Why invest time in using Google Analytics?

13:57 - Examples of the power of Google Analytics

18:36 - Getting started with Google Analytics

Check out Ben’s website at, and his guide to Google Analytics.

And as always, you can reach me at [email protected].