In a game-changing partnership aimed at revolutionizing maternal and infant health in the Lone Star...

In a game-changing partnership aimed at revolutionizing maternal and infant health in the Lone Star State, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) has joined forces with the Texas Pediatric Society (TPS). Through BCBSTX’s innovative Special Beginnings initiative, they’re set to empower primary care providers and pediatricians across Texas with specialized training and invaluable resources.

Supported by a generous grant from BCBSTX, TPS is embarking on a groundbreaking journey, establishing an advisory committee for the brand-new Clinical Series Program. This initiative is poised to be a game-changer, as it focuses on developing pediatric healthcare resources tailored to maternal and infant health, including an array of interactive videos and enlightening webinars. The program, set to kick off in 2024, will initially zero in on critical areas such as postpartum depression screenings and nurturing infant care following stays in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs).

Dr. Mark Chassay, VP, and Chief Medical Officer at BCBSTX, expressed excitement about the partnership, stating, “We look forward to developing this Clinical Series Program with TPS to equip providers who are also invested in improving outcomes for Texas moms and babies with the extra support they need all across the state.”

The cornerstone of the Clinical Series Program lies in its Project ECHO® training sessions, spanning 3 to 6 months. This innovative approach fosters collaborative medical education and care management, offering participants a virtual platform to engage with specialists and discuss challenging cases. It’s a dynamic blend of continuous learning and peer support, aimed at fortifying frontline providers with the expertise needed to navigate complex maternal and infant health scenarios effectively.

Dr. Alice Gong, President of the Texas Pediatric Society, highlighted the pressing need for such initiatives, explaining, “Due to pediatric subspecialist shortages, primary care pediatricians are expected to manage more complex needs and conditions. In order to manage these cases, primary care pediatricians need access to specialized resources, education, and support.”

Texas providers eager to tap into these invaluable resources can find them at For those hungry for further insights, a visit to the BCBSTX Newsroom promises a deeper dive into this transformative collaboration.

As the state’s largest provider of health benefits, BCBSTX’s commitment to driving positive change in maternal and infant health, coupled with the Texas Pediatric Society’s dedication to promoting the well-being of the state’s children, heralds a promising new era in Texas healthcare.

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