In a heartwarming display of solidarity and inclusivity, eleven schools across Texas joined forces with...

In a heartwarming display of solidarity and inclusivity, eleven schools across Texas joined forces with Superior HealthPlan and the Centene Foundation to champion No One Eats Alone® Day for the eighth consecutive year. This transformative initiative, dedicated to combating social isolation among students, has emerged as a beacon of hope, fostering a culture of belonging and acceptance in schools statewide.

Mark Sanders, President, and CEO of Superior HealthPlan, expressed the organization’s unwavering commitment to supporting the well-being of Texas youth. “At Superior, we’re committed to supporting the health and well-being of children all across Texas, and that includes providing them with the skills and resources they need to support each other,” Sanders remarked. “We are proud to partner with Beyond Differences to celebrate No One Eats Alone Day and shine a light on the social issues that affect students in Texas and beyond.”

The twelve participating schools, spanning from Austin to Wichita Falls, set the stage for meaningful interactions and heartfelt connections:

Ojeda Middle School, Austin
Dobie Middle School, Austin
Cunningham Middle School, Corpus Christi
Sam Houston Elementary, Houston
Boys and Girls Club of Deep East Texas, Lufkin
Cavazos Elementary, Odessa
Arnold Elementary, San Antonio
Robert R. Rojas Elementary, Socorro
Communities in Schools, Waco
Rudy Silva Elementary, Weslaco
All Hands Community Center, Wichita Falls

Social isolation among children has garnered increasing attention in public health research, with studies linking it to detrimental effects on mental well-being. Beyond Differences®, the nonprofit behind No One Eats Alone, has been at the forefront of this battle, empowering students to foster connections and create a welcoming environment for all.

Laura Talmus, Co-founder, and Executive Director of Beyond Differences, shed light on this year’s theme, “Let’s Grow: Planting New Connections,” inspired by the U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on social connection. “Our curriculum dives deep into recognizing emotions, understanding social isolation, and gives students tools to be social isolation disruptors and ambassadors of belonging,” Talmus explained.

Activities throughout the day encompassed in-class lessons, interactive exercises, and a creative art project aimed at nurturing social connections. With over a million students expected to participate nationwide, No One Eats Alone Day epitomizes the collective effort to cultivate empathy, understanding, and unity within school communities.

Superior HealthPlan, a stalwart in Texas healthcare, remains dedicated to transforming communities and fostering a brighter future for the state’s youth. Through partnerships with organizations like Beyond Differences and the Centene Foundation, they’re paving the way for a more inclusive and compassionate society.

The impact of initiatives like No One Eats Alone Day reverberates far beyond school walls, shaping a generation empowered to embrace diversity and champion belonging for all.

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