Have you ever started a career and quickly realized it wasn’t what you anticipated? This week’s guest, Dr. Danny Brassell, shares how his career as a political journalist was short lived and the reason it propelled him to turn to education and leadership. Danny is the author of 15 books, a world renown speaker and an educational and corporate leadership coach. I’m so excited to share Danny’s unique leadership story with you! 
https://twitter.com/share?text=+-+&via=Joshua__Stamper&related=Joshua__Stamper&url=https://joshstamper.com/?p=2372 (Tweet This)In this Episode, we discuss:
Characteristics to a Successful Leader 
Improving as a Leader through Reading
Tips for New Leaders
And Free Leadership Resources

Follow Dr. Danny Brassell: Website: https://dannybrassell.com/ (https://dannybrassell.com/)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DannyBrassell (https://twitter.com/DannyBrassell)
Free Aspire Giveaway from Dr. Brasswell: Two Online Trainings: http://www.freereadingtraining.com (www.freereadingtraining.com)

About Dr. Danny Brassell:Affectionately known as “Jim Carrey with a Ph.D.,” Dr. Danny Brassell (http://www.dannybrassell.com (www.DannyBrassell.com)) has held a variety of titles and worked with leaders from a variety of fields and disciplines, but he has always considered himself first and foremost a teacher. He is a best-selling author of 15 books, including The Reading Breakthrough and The Reading Makeover, based on his popular TEDx talk. For the past 20 years he has also been a lecturer and professor at a number of universities, including his current position as a faculty advisor for the CalStateTEACH program and distinguished visiting professor at the American University of Cairo. A gregarious, sought-after author, speaker, accountability coach and business consultant, Danny is a recognized authority on leadership development, reading, motivation and communication skills and the co-creator ofhttp://www.thereadinghabit.com ( www.theREADINGhabit.com), the world’s top reading engagement program. His mission is to bring joy back into education and the workplace. Thousands, from school districts to businesses to association conferences, have enjoyed his energetic, interactive and informative presentations. He has spoken to over 3,000 different audiences worldwide.
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Need a Presenter for a conference or school PD?[caption id="attachment_2521" align="alignnone" width="1024"]https://joshstamper.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Joshua-Stamper-tag.png () Joshua Stamper Teach Better[/caption]
https://joshstamper.com/contact/ (Contact Joshua Stamper ) for presentations on Restorative Practices, Leadership Development, and Innovative campus systems.
[caption id="attachment_2597" align="alignnone" width="1024"]https://joshstamper.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Joshua-Stamper-Stock-photo.jpg () Joshua Stamper, Teach Better Speaking Network[/caption]
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Have you ever started a career and quickly realized it wasn’t what you anticipated? This week’s guest, Dr. Danny Brassell, shares how his career as a political journalist was short lived and the reason it propelled him to turn to education and leadership. Danny is the author of 15 books, a world renown speaker and an educational and corporate leadership coach. I’m so excited to share Danny’s unique leadership story with you! 

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In this Episode, we discuss:

Characteristics to a Successful Leader Improving as a Leader through ReadingTips for New LeadersAnd Free Leadership Resources


Follow Dr. Danny Brassell: 

Website: https://dannybrassell.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DannyBrassell

Free Aspire Giveaway from Dr. Brasswell: Two Online Trainings: www.freereadingtraining.com
About Dr. Danny Brassell:

Affectionately known as “Jim Carrey with a Ph.D.,” Dr. Danny Brassell (www.DannyBrassell.com) has held a variety of titles and worked with leaders from a variety of fields and disciplines, but he has always considered himself first and foremost a teacher. He is a best-selling author of 15 books, including The Reading Breakthrough and The Reading Makeover, based on his popular TEDx talk. For the past 20 years he has also been a lecturer and professor at a number of universities, including his current position as a faculty advisor for the CalStateTEACH program and distinguished visiting professor at the American University of Cairo. A gregarious, sought-after author, speaker, accountability coach and business consultant, Danny is a recognized authority on leadership development, reading, motivation and communication skills and the co-creator of www.theREADINGhabit.com, the world’s top reading engagement program. His mission is to bring joy back into education and the workplace. Thousands, from school districts to businesses to association conferences, have enjoyed his energetic, interactive and informative presentations. He has spoken to over 3,000 different audiences worldwide.





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When you make a purchase through these links, The Aspire Podcast gets a small percentage of the sale at no extra cost to you.

Need a Presenter for a conference or school PD?

[caption id="attachment_2521" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Joshua Stamper Teach Better[/caption]

Contact Joshua Stamper  for presentations on Restorative Practices, Leadership Development, and Innovative campus systems.

[caption id="attachment_2597" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Joshua Stamper, Teach Better Speaking Network[/caption]

Follow the Host, Joshua Stamper:Contact: https://joshstamper.com/contact/Twitter: www.twitter.com/Joshua__StamperInstagram: www.instagram.com/joshua__stamperLinkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/joshua-stamperFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/AspirePodcastSubscribe: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/aspire-the-leadership-development-podcast/id1384210762?mt=2
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As we continue through this journey of distant learning, I wanted to bring you some content specific to our current struggle. Instead of asking one person, I asked many of my friends to share their insight and wisdom. Since I had so many submissions, I'm going to break this up into several short bonus episodes. I asked these amazing educators one question: what tips or strategies would you suggest during this unprecedented time? I hope their responses provide value and strength during your distant learning experience.

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