In education, we talk about the power of differentiated learning but what about differentiated grading? My guest today is an expert in differentiated assessments and grades and his views have been inspirational in my own growth as a leader. Rick Wormeli is an author of five best selling books and I’m so excited to share his story, while expanding on how Fair isn’t Always Equal. 

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In this Episode, we discuss:

Differentiated Grading

Fair isn’t Always Equal

Traditional Grading Scale and the Impact it has on Learning 

The role of Homework

The Impact of a Zero

GPA and the Future of Grading

About Rick Wormeli:
One of the first Nationally Board Certified teachers in America, Rick brings innovation, energy, validity and high standards to both his presentations and his instructional practice, which include 39 years teaching math, science, English, physical education, health, and history, as well as coaching teachers and principals. Rick’s work has been reported in numerous media, including ABC’s Good Morning America, Hardball with Chris Matthews, National Geographic and Good Housekeeping magazines, What Matters Most: Teaching for the 21st Century, and the Washington Post. He is a columnist for AMLE Magazine and a frequent contributor to ASCD’s Education Leadership magazine. He is the author of the award-winning book Meet Me in the Middle as well as the best-selling books Day One and Beyond, Fair Isn’t Always Equal: Assessment and Grading in the Differentiated Classroom (Second Edition), Differentiation: From Planning to Practice and Metaphors & Analogies: Power Tools for Teaching any Subject, all five from Stenhouse Publishers, as well as Summarization in any Subject: 60 Innovative and Tech-Infused Strategies for Deeper Student Learning (releasing in fall 2018) published by ASCD.  His book, The Collected Writings (So Far) of Rick Wormeli: Crazy Good Stuff I Learned about Teaching Along the Way, is collection of his published articles, guest blogs and more through 2013. His classroom practice is a showcase for ASCD’s best-selling series, At Work in the Differentiated Classroom.

Books by Rick Wormeli:

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Resources Discussed in the Podcast: (Memorization Still Matters) (We Have to Prepare Students for the Next Level, Don’t We?) (Redos and Retakes Done Right) (Busting Myths about Differentiated Instruction)

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In education, we talk about the power of differentiated learning but what about differentiated grading? My guest today is an expert in differentiated assessments and grades and his views have been inspirational in my own growth as a leader. Rick Wormeli is an author of five best selling books and I’m so excited to share his story, while expanding on how Fair isn’t Always Equal. 

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In this Episode, we discuss:

Differentiated Grading
Fair isn’t Always Equal
Traditional Grading Scale and the Impact it has on Learning 
The role of Homework
The Impact of a Zero
GPA and the Future of Grading

About Rick Wormeli:

One of the first Nationally Board Certified teachers in America, Rick brings innovation, energy, validity and high standards to both his presentations and his instructional practice, which include 39 years teaching math, science, English, physical education, health, and history, as well as coaching teachers and principals. Rick’s work has been reported in numerous media, including ABC’s Good Morning America, Hardball with Chris Matthews, National Geographic and Good Housekeeping magazines, What Matters Most: Teaching for the 21st Century, and the Washington Post. He is a columnist for AMLE Magazine and a frequent contributor to ASCD’s Education Leadership magazine. He is the author of the award-winning book Meet Me in the Middle as well as the best-selling books Day One and Beyond, Fair Isn’t Always Equal: Assessment and Grading in the Differentiated Classroom (Second Edition), Differentiation: From Planning to Practice and Metaphors & Analogies: Power Tools for Teaching any Subject, all five from Stenhouse Publishers, as well as Summarization in any Subject: 60 Innovative and Tech-Infused Strategies for Deeper Student Learning (releasing in fall 2018) published by ASCD.  His book, The Collected Writings (So Far) of Rick Wormeli: Crazy Good Stuff I Learned about Teaching Along the Way, is collection of his published articles, guest blogs and more through 2013. His classroom practice is a showcase for ASCD’s best-selling series, At Work in the Differentiated Classroom.

Books by Rick Wormeli:

Follow Rick Wormeli:


Resources Discussed in the Podcast:

Memorization Still Matters
We Have to Prepare Students for the Next Level, Don’t We?
Redos and Retakes Done Right
Busting Myths about Differentiated Instruction

Let’s Work Together


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