What do we do when we are at our breaking point and feel completely overwhelmed? For many, unfortunately, masking and ignoring the problems become the unhealthy solution. This week’s guest, Jeff Kubiak, is incredibly transparent and brave as he shares his battle with alcoholism, his focus on mental health, and how he is transforming his campus to focus on the social and emotional needs of his students and staff. 

In this episode, we discuss:

Focusing on the Trauma of Staff and Students
Equity Walks on Campus
And his upcoming book, Monsters Do Have Manners!

About Jeff Kubiak:
I, Jeff Kubiak,  grew up in Davis, CA with one sister, and an amazing mother and father. My mom was a public school teacher for 33 years, and my dad worked for UC Davis for 35 years. I have a phenomenal wife, Piper and two kids, Keeley, and Braden. My pops passed away in 2019 from Alzheimers.

I am currently an educator, author and speaker in Northern California. Having taught for ten years as an elementary school teacher in grades 4, 5, and 6, and am now serving my 10th year as an administrator as an Elementary School VP, in Elk Grove. 

I’ve always looked at education from a different lens: from someone who hated school and struggled with the typical educational model. I vow to always do my best to help increase opportunities for all students to feel heard, noticed, celebrated, challenged and be safe. Serving the whole child is one of my most valued passions, as we often miss out on an important piece of a child’s puzzle.

I work hard to push back against the old model of “Industrialized Education” and fight compliance. Not a day goes by that he is not looking ahead to improve educational equity, inclusion, empathy, student engagement and digital access for all.

I enjoy blogging, and writing. My first book, One Drop of Kindness hit the bookstores in summer, 2019 and my second book, It’s Me, released on 11/15/2020. My third book, Monsters have Manners will be out in mid ‘22.

I’ve hit the top, at times: US Olympic Swim Team Alternate, Pan American Games Gold Medalist, Coach of 4 time Olympian, Jason Lezak. 

I’ve seen the bottom, almost losing it all, which has brought me to the Glory of God’s path to sobriety for 20 months and counting now.

In my 22 years as an educator, I view myself as a servant leader whose title is unimportant, but my positive impact on others counts most. Servitude is my passion, and education is my vehicle.

I enjoy working with companies and people that are not afraid to push boundaries, be honest, are open to difficult conversations, and embrace ALL students.

I can be found on Twitter @jeffreykubiak, Instagram @jeffkubiakauthor, or at jeffkubiak.com

Follow Jeff Kubiak:

Website: https://www.jeffkubiak.com 

What do we do when we are at our breaking point and feel completely overwhelmed? For many, unfortunately, masking and ignoring the problems become the unhealthy solution. This week’s guest, Jeff Kubiak, is incredibly transparent and brave as he shares his battle with alcoholism, his focus on mental health, and how he is transforming his campus to focus on the social and emotional needs of his students and staff. 

In this episode, we discuss:

Focusing on the Trauma of Staff and Students
Equity Walks on Campus
And his upcoming book, Monsters Do Have Manners!

About Jeff Kubiak:
I, Jeff Kubiak,  grew up in Davis, CA with one sister, and an amazing mother and father. My mom was a public school teacher for 33 years, and my dad worked for UC Davis for 35 years. I have a phenomenal wife, Piper and two kids, Keeley, and Braden. My pops passed away in 2019 from Alzheimers.

I am currently an educator, author and speaker in Northern California. Having taught for ten years as an elementary school teacher in grades 4, 5, and 6, and am now serving my 10th year as an administrator as an Elementary School VP, in Elk Grove. 

I’ve always looked at education from a different lens: from someone who hated school and struggled with the typical educational model. I vow to always do my best to help increase opportunities for all students to feel heard, noticed, celebrated, challenged and be safe. Serving the whole child is one of my most valued passions, as we often miss out on an important piece of a child’s puzzle.

I work hard to push back against the old model of “Industrialized Education” and fight compliance. Not a day goes by that he is not looking ahead to improve educational equity, inclusion, empathy, student engagement and digital access for all.

I enjoy blogging, and writing. My first book, One Drop of Kindness hit the bookstores in summer, 2019 and my second book, It’s Me, released on 11/15/2020. My third book, Monsters have Manners will be out in mid ‘22.

I’ve hit the top, at times: US Olympic Swim Team Alternate, Pan American Games Gold Medalist, Coach of 4 time Olympian, Jason Lezak. 

I’ve seen the bottom, almost losing it all, which has brought me to the Glory of God’s path to sobriety for 20 months and counting now.

In my 22 years as an educator, I view myself as a servant leader whose title is unimportant, but my positive impact on others counts most. Servitude is my passion, and education is my vehicle.

I enjoy working with companies and people that are not afraid to push boundaries, be honest, are open to difficult conversations, and embrace ALL students.

I can be found on Twitter @jeffreykubiak, Instagram @jeffkubiakauthor, or at jeffkubiak.com

Follow Jeff Kubiak:

Website: https://www.jeffkubiak.com 
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jeffreykubiak (@jeffreykubiak)
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jeffkubiakauthor/ (@jeffkubiakauthor)
Facebook: @jeffkubiakauthor
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffreykubiak 



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Need a Presenter for a conference or school PD?
Contact Joshua Stamper  for presentations on Restorative Practices, Leadership Development, and Innovative campus systems.

Watch my session on Trauma Informed, restorative and social emotional practices at www.teachsummit.com/stamper

Follow the Host, Joshua Stamper:
Contact: https://joshstamper.com/contact/

Twitter: www.twitter.com/Joshua__Stamper

Instagram: www.instagram.com/joshua__stamper

Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/joshua-stamper

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[caption id="attachment_3718" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Aspire to Lead, Joshua Stamper, Book Authority Award, Best new book[/caption]
Aspire to Lead made it to the Best New Education Books
I'm happy to announce that my book, "Aspire to Lead", made it to BookAuthority's Best New Education Books.

BookAuthority collects and ranks the best books in the world, and it is a great honor to get this kind of recognition. Thank you for all your support!

The book is available for purchase on Amazon.


Review the Podcast
I want to give a huge shout out to those who have taken the time to provide a review on Apple, Spotify or any other podcast platform. It truly means the world to me that you would take the 30- 90 seconds to share how the podcast has positively impacted you or why other educators should check out the show.

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