As we have spent several months implementing a distant learning model, I asked my guest, what was the greatest take away from her online experience? This week’s guest, Rachelle Dene Poth, shares the role of advanced technology in the classroom and how becoming a student again changed her perspective as a teacher, a leader and a technology specialist.
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In this Episode, we discuss:

New Technology Advances
Tools to Incorporate after Distance Learning
Preparing student for the Future
And the Thrive In EDU Podcast

Follow Rachelle Dene Poth: 

About Me:
About Rachelle Dene Poth:
I am a Spanish and STEAM Teacher. I am also an ​attorney, edtech consultant, presenter, author, ​ ​and blogger. ​I teach a course on emerging tech that covers AR/VR, artificial intelligence, coding, digital citizenship, and more. ​I am the president of the ISTE Teacher Education Network and serve on the leadership team for the ISTE Mobile Learning Network. At ISTE19, ​I received the Making IT Happen Award and a Presidential Gold Award for more than 500 hours of volunteer service to education. ​I am a Buncee Ambassador, Edmodo Certified Trainer, Nearpod PioNear, Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert and Google Certified Educator Levels I and II.

I am the author of In Other Words: Quotes That Push Our Thinking, The Future Is Now: Looking Back to Move Ahead​, ​ Unconventional Ways to THRIVE in EDU​, and Chart A New Course: A Guide to Teaching Essential Skills for Tomorrow’s World​. ​I am a contributing author to ​several books including Recovery Mode from Pushbound Consulting, Education Write Now and several volumes of EduMatch Snapshot in...

As we have spent several months implementing a distant learning model, I asked my guest, what was the greatest take away from her online experience? This week’s guest, Rachelle Dene Poth, shares the role of advanced technology in the classroom and how becoming a student again changed her perspective as a teacher, a leader and a technology specialist.
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In this Episode, we discuss:

New Technology Advances
Tools to Incorporate after Distance Learning
Preparing student for the Future
And the Thrive In EDU Podcast

Follow Rachelle Dene Poth: 

About Me:
About Rachelle Dene Poth:
I am a Spanish and STEAM Teacher. I am also an ​attorney, edtech consultant, presenter, author, ​ ​and blogger. ​I teach a course on emerging tech that covers AR/VR, artificial intelligence, coding, digital citizenship, and more. ​I am the president of the ISTE Teacher Education Network and serve on the leadership team for the ISTE Mobile Learning Network. At ISTE19, ​I received the Making IT Happen Award and a Presidential Gold Award for more than 500 hours of volunteer service to education. ​I am a Buncee Ambassador, Edmodo Certified Trainer, Nearpod PioNear, Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert and Google Certified Educator Levels I and II.

I am the author of In Other Words: Quotes That Push Our Thinking, The Future Is Now: Looking Back to Move Ahead​, ​ Unconventional Ways to THRIVE in EDU​, and Chart A New Course: A Guide to Teaching Essential Skills for Tomorrow’s World​. ​I am a contributing author to ​several books including Recovery Mode from Pushbound Consulting, Education Write Now and several volumes of EduMatch Snapshot in Education.  I am a blogger for Getting Smart, Defined Learning,​ District Administration, Newsweek STEM Informer and NEO LMS.

I am one  of the co-hosts of Find Your Grind Live and co-host of  Formative Chat.

Go Community!

This community is one of my favorite one-stop-shop tools to engage with other amazing school leaders. I use this online resource to gain insight, gather resources, and develop my leadership capacity.

The #1 Leadership Online community is generous and authentic, an antidote to the clutter and noise that other social media sites have become.

What makes this community different is that it is:

An investment, not free
A private community with the same goal
A conversation, not a variety of self-promoting presentations
Evergreen, not ephemeral
Focused on serving school leaders, not advertisers, companies, or investors

I highly recommend using Go! Community to enhance your leadership skills!
Click Here to Try Go! Community

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Need a Presenter for a conference or school PD?
[caption id="attachment_2521" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Joshua Stamper Teach Better[/caption]

Contact Joshua Stamper  for presentations on Restorative Practices, Leadership Development, and Innovative campus systems.

[caption id="attachment_2597" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Joshua Stamper, Teach Better Speaking Network[/caption]
Follow the Host, Joshua Stamper:


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As we continue through this journey of distant learning, I wanted to bring you some content specific to our current struggle. Instead of asking one person, I asked many of my friends to share their insight and wisdom. Since I had so many submissions, I'm going to break this up into several short bonus episodes. I asked these amazing educators one question: what tips or strategies would you suggest during this unprecedented time? I hope their responses provide value and strength during your distant learning experience.  

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