This is a special episode because I get to celebrate the two year anniversary of the Aspire podcast and my guest, Hans Appel, has released his new book, “Award Winning Culture”! This week, I'm joined by Jennifer and Hans Appel as we dive into the subject of social emotional learning, how SEL has set the culture of their campus and how it's positively impacted every aspect of the school. Join us as they share how every school can create an Award Winning Culture!  
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In this Episode, we discuss:

Social Emotional Learning
Distance Learning Focus
Character Strong
And Award Winning Culture

Follow Jennifer and Hans Appel: 

Twitter: @HansNAppel @jennifermappel @awculture

About Jennifer and Hans Appel:
Hans Appel has worked as a counselor in the Richland School District for the past 19 years and at Enterprise Middle School since it opened.  He’s passionate about school culture, servant leadership, and kindness.  In 2018, EMS was awarded the ASCD Whole Child Award for the State of Washington and the Global “Class Act Award” for creating a culture of excellence through kindness, service, and empathy.  Additionally, they were selected as a finalist in the 2019 PBIS Film Festival and took top prize in the Community, Parents, and Staff category.  

In 2018, Hans launched his own blog about School Culture and rolled out a student-led leadership podcast called Award Winning Culture: Hosted by Wildcat Nation, which can be subscribed, listened or reviewed on iTunes Apple Podcasts, Stitcher,

This is a special episode because I get to celebrate the two year anniversary of the Aspire podcast and my guest, Hans Appel, has released his new book, “Award Winning Culture”! This week, I'm joined by Jennifer and Hans Appel as we dive into the subject of social emotional learning, how SEL has set the culture of their campus and how it's positively impacted every aspect of the school. Join us as they share how every school can create an Award Winning Culture!  
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In this Episode, we discuss:

Social Emotional Learning
Distance Learning Focus
Character Strong
And Award Winning Culture

Follow Jennifer and Hans Appel: 

Twitter: @HansNAppel @jennifermappel @awculture

About Jennifer and Hans Appel:
Hans Appel has worked as a counselor in the Richland School District for the past 19 years and at Enterprise Middle School since it opened.  He’s passionate about school culture, servant leadership, and kindness.  In 2018, EMS was awarded the ASCD Whole Child Award for the State of Washington and the Global “Class Act Award” for creating a culture of excellence through kindness, service, and empathy.  Additionally, they were selected as a finalist in the 2019 PBIS Film Festival and took top prize in the Community, Parents, and Staff category.  

In 2018, Hans launched his own blog about School Culture and rolled out a student-led leadership podcast called Award Winning Culture: Hosted by Wildcat Nation, which can be subscribed, listened or reviewed on iTunes Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Play, Spotify, PodBean, and Libsyn.  

Hans’ blogs have appeared on DisruptED TV magazine, CharacterStrong, Teach Better Team and PBIS Rewards.  He’s written social-emotional lessons for CharacterStrong.  Furthermore, he has been featured on numerous educational podcasts speaking his brand of school culture into existence.  

He’s been a contributing writer on three upcoming educational books: “ Define Your WHY: Own Your Story So You Can Live and Learn On Purpose,” “Reflective Impact Journal,” and “ALL IN: Taking a Gamble in Education.”  On May 22, Hans will release his own book, which is called, Award Winning Culture: Building School-Wide Intentionality and Action Through Character, Excellence, and Community.

Hans is the Director of Culture of the Teach Better Team and a member of the coveted Teach Better Speakers Network.  He presents at conferences, schools, and districts all over the country.  Topics include:  Creating an Award Winning Culture, Amplifying Student Voice, Student-Led Podcasting, and Infusing Servant Leadership through PBIS.

He can be contacted at [email protected].  Follow Hans on twitter @HansNAppel. Follow AWC on twitter at @awculture @awcpodcasting or Instagram @awardwinningculture.Wildcat Nation on Instagram @emscounseling #WildcatNation #AwardWinningCulture

Jennifer is a teacher and coach at Enterprise Middle School.  She has been teaching for 21 years.  Her passion for education comes from growing up in an education driven family (4th generation) and wanting to help and serve others.  She is now driven to create an environment where all students are able to learn and become passionate about serving others.

In 2018, EMS was awarded the ASCD Whole Child Award for the State of Washington and the Global “Class Act Award” for creating a culture of excellence through kindness, service, and empathy.  Additionally, they were selected as a finalist in the 2019 PBIS Film Festival and took top prize in the Community, Parents, and Staff category.

Jennifer has written blogs and lesson design for CharacterStrong.  She was selected for the Washington State Reading Cadre and spent 10 years teaching graduate and undergraduate classes at Heritage University.  Additionally, she’s spoken at state and national conferences on PBIS, Student Voice, and School Culture.  She’s currently writing her own book on school culture.    

Jennifer is the Chief Heart Officer for the Teach Better Team and a part of the  Teach Better Speakers Network.  She presents at conferences, schools, and districts all over the country.  Topics include: Creating an Award Winning Culture, Amplifying Student Voice, Student-Led Podcasting, and Infusing Servant Leadership through PBIS.

In 2018, Jennifer helped launch a blog about School Cultureand helped roll out a student-led leadership podcast called Award Winning Culture: Hosted by Wildcat Nation.  Jennifer also started a new podcast with her husband Hans called Award Winning Culture which can be subscribed, listened or reviewed on iTunes Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Play, Spotify, PodBean, and Libsyn.  

Jennifer is also working on multiple book projects.  The first is a 3 book deal with her husband Hans through Edugladiators.  With the first book  Award Winning Culture published by Hans.  And Jennifer’s first book will be released November 2020.  She is also working on a series of Children’s books centered around teaching Character.  Her first book is due to release in September 2020 with 3 more books to follow in the next few years.

Go Community!
[caption id="attachment_2270" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Better Leaders Better Schools[/caption]

This community is one of my favorite one-stop-shop tools to engage with other amazing school leaders. I use this online resource to gain insight, gather resources, and develop my leadership capacity.

The #1 Leadership Online community is generous and authentic, an antidote to the clutter and noise that other social media sites have become.

What makes this community different is that it is:

An investment, not free
A private community with the same goal
A conversation, not a variety of self-promoting presentations
Evergreen, not ephemeral
Focused on serving school leaders, not advertisers, companies, or investors

I highly recommend using Go! Community to enhance your leadership skills!
Click Here to Try Go! Community

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Need a Presenter for a conference or school PD?
[caption id="attachment_2521" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Joshua Stamper Teach Better[/caption]

Contact Joshua Stamper  for presentations on Restorative Practices, Leadership Development, and Innovative campus systems.

[caption id="attachment_2597" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Joshua Stamper, Teach Better Speaking Network[/caption]
Follow the Host, Joshua Stamper:


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As we continue through this journey of distant learning, I wanted to bring you some content specific to our current struggle. Instead of asking one person, I asked many of my friends to share their insight and wisdom. Since I had so many submissions, I'm going to break this up into several short bonus episodes. I asked these amazing educators one question: what tips or strategies would you suggest during this unprecedented time? I hope their responses provide value and strength during your distant learning experience.  

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