Previous Episode: Kinky Halloween!

So, maybe you wanted to get a little kinky and get your partner a treat from the sex shop down the road, but didn't know how they'd feel about it because you've never used them before. Or you're feeling a little confused about the porn your partner has been watching.. "Why does he/she like watching that so much? Are they secretly into that kind of thing and don't actually find me attractive anymore?"

In this episode, hosts Cat & Sarah are joined by special guest and certified relationship & intimacy therapist, Amy Color, to talk about all things connection and kinks.

They dive deep into the big questions and issues we all have, like maintaining intimacy and the sexual spice in a long-term relationship. Is it possible to combat the 7-year itch? What if I want to try something new and really kinky? How do I have an open conversation and ask for what I want with my partner? What DO their kinks really mean? You could also just be feeling unsatisfied with your encounters and want to bring more pleasure into the experience - for you and the lucky other (or others) in the party.

Tune in and have a Kinky Xmas, you filthy animals.


Want to read more about Amy Color's work?

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