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Log4Shell has set the internet on fire this week. Noah and Steve dig into the details of this vulnerability as well as discuss what you can do to mitigate it. Pop_OS 21.10 is out, Toyota make their keyfob a service, and CentOS 8 goes EOL.

-- During The Show --

00:45 Steve's OpenSuse Experience

Splash Screen
Kernel Panic

03:10 Caller Ed

Best VM server
Libvirt + Cockpit

08:08 Sleuth Asked

Is there software to send and receive audio over the network that work on phones and Linux machines? My usecase is I want to listen to podcasts from antennapod on my computer and to monitor jitsi and mumble from my phone.
Alsa Mixer

09:58 TwoBit Asked

Still using the Google Glass?

10:43 Docker Server - Mathieu

TLS/HTTPS is more than a cert
HAProxy/Nginx Reverse Proxy
Check documentation for the project
Security is more than closing ports

19:25 Archiving Emails? - Jose

Download an archive + Thunderbird

23:26 SIP Questions - Andrew

Upgrade Router to PFSense/OPNSense

28:10 Pick of the Week

Help Net Security Article
Based on Docker
Easy Self Hosted Services

30:23 Gadget of the Week

$14 ESP32 Dev Kit

32:52 Centos 8 EOL

ZDNet Article
CentOS EOL Dec 31 2021
Zero Day security patches until Jan 31 2022

Red Hat Proper
Free Red Hat Developer License's
CentOS Stream
Alma Linux
Cloud Linux OS
Rocky Linux

38:00 Toyota Makes Keyfob a Service

The Drive Article
Requiring subscription to use local keyfob functions

40:38 Pop!_OS 21.10 Released

System76 Blog Post
Tech preview of Pop!_OS 21.10 for the RaspberryPi
System Refresh feature
Lots of new features

42:44 Main Segment - log4j Vulnerability

Remote Code Execution
Actively being exploited in the wild
Used in embedded and IOT devices as well
Minecraft Exploit Example
2.14.1 and earlier vulnerable
Fixed in Log4j 2.15.0
Github Attack Surface List
Responsible disclosure was not followed
Alternative mitigations available
Flip the environmental variable ES JAVA OPTS= -D log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=True
Cloudflare Mitigation
Help Net Security Article
Fortune Article
We Live Securtiy Article
The Next Web Article

-- The Extra Credit Section --

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