In this episode we talk with Bitwarden to learn more about this open source password manager.

In this episode we talk with Bitwarden to learn more about this open source password manager.

-- During The Show --

01:00 Linux For Non Technical & Business Partner Question - Eric

Linux Mint - Steve
Kubuntu - Noah
Flaws can be covered
5 Ds that cause a failure

10:00 How to decide when to use managed services - Doug

Email Servers

17:57 Turn Off T450 Keyboard Backlight - Wayne

Check UEFI
Check Power Settings

19:17 Incident Response? - Jeremy

Each Indecent/Play Book is Different
Malware Process
What do you need to set up from scratch
Prioritize most likely incidents first

24:20 Kiosk and sharing information questions - Kevin

Firefox Kiosk Mode
Libre Kiosk
Burn After Reading Me
One Time Secret

26:00 Zerotier+NextCloud=deGoogle? - Mike

Zero Tier
Next Cloud
Start on DO

28:55 News

31:05 Bitwarden Interview

What sets Bitwarden apart
Zero Knowledge Encryption
Why Open Source?
Why use a password manager
2 Factor Authentication (2FA)
Bitwarden Authenticator
Recovery Code
User Compromise
Bitwarden Commercial Offering
Bitwarden Send
Work and Personal Passwords
Where is Bitwarden Headed?

-- The Extra Credit Section --

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