Ask Doctor Wise: The Current State of the Health Care System in America, Part Two of a Four Part Radio Interview with Samuel Wise, M.D. In this second of four interviews, Dr. Samuel Wise, provides a candid and thought provoking … Continue reading →

Ask Doctor Wise: The Current State of the Health Care System in America, Part Two of a Four Part Radio Interview with Samuel Wise, M.D.

In this second of four interviews, Dr. Samuel Wise, provides a candid and thought provoking assessment of a system that appears designed for those who seek profit and where the patient is no longer the customer.

The doctor challenges us with an unvarnished examination of a medical system driven by greed and profit and promoted to the public using fear, creating systems that are designed, not by accident, to confuse.

Who is the customer?  Why doesn’t the health care industry publish ‘actual costs’ for services, and is there any hope, any possibility, that the health care industry can be re-professionalized?

Listen in as Dr. Wise takes us on a journey of exploration and discovery, exploring the workings of the health care industry and begin to understand the realities of the current system and what if anything can be done to reposition and reestablish the patient as the customer.

Your comments and thoughts to this program are solicited and appreciated.