Ask Doctor Wise: The Current State of the Health Care System in America, Part One of a Four Part Radio Interview with Samuel Wise, M.D. The first of four impromptu and extemporaneous conversations with Samuel Wise, M.D., from his … Continue reading →


Ask Doctor Wise: The Current State of the Health Care System in America, Part One of a Four Part Radio Interview with Samuel Wise, M.D.

The first of four impromptu and extemporaneous conversations with Samuel Wise, M.D., from his office overlooking Las Vegas, Nevada, the doctor explores the state of today’s ‘health care industry’.

Is the patient no longer the customer?  Is the industry more focused on profit than care?

Segment one will introduce you to a physician who is dedicated to making a difference and improving people’s lives.

Listen in, gain an unique an uncensored perspective, and then you decide who is the real customer in the health care industry.

Is it you…?