Attorney Mario Godoy is the founder of Godoy Law Office. and Estate and Probate Legal Group. He lived the true immigrant's American Dream and success story. He grew up seeing his family experience injustices many immigrants face in the United States and went to law school with the goal to be part of the solution. As a legal entrepreneur who practices immigration law, criminal law and estate and probate law, plus running 2 successful, thriving law firms, Mario shares lessons he's learned along the way... and has advice for other lawyers who don't want to be a one trick horse.

When Mario realized he doesn't want to be a unicorn, not a one trick horse What led Mario to practice 3 very different types of law - and open 2 different law offices?

 The legal partnership that makes it all work The U.S. immigration courts have a huge backlog. How has Mario helped his immigration clients cope with the delays? His hiring strategy behind both law firms  Mario's old-school calendaring system for long-term planning Mario-isms and advice on leading a team Why you need to work on yourself before you can work on your team Mario's top 3 lessons learned for running a law firm