Davina Frederick Esq is an attorney, law firm growth and wealth strategist and the Founder and CEO at Wealthy Woman Lawyer, LLC®. Davina combined her expertise in marketing and her entrepreneurial experience as the owner of a law firm to launch a coaching business for women lawyers. Davina joins Evelyn on the podcast to discuss how women lawyers and legal entrepreneurs can grow their law firms (hint: it's not magic!).

Davina and Evelyn cover law firm growth and marketing including:

how a practicing lawyer started marketing her own law firm if legal marketing Is different from marketing for other businesses what Davina knows about legal marketing that other lawyers don’t know - or don’t do are there special marketing rules for lawyers? coach business? why Davina started a business coaching other female law firm owners how do free resources - like your Facebook page, your book - help Davina grow her law firmeting to other attorneys? is it harder marketing to other attorneys? how much should attorneys be spending on marketing? what is Davina's ideal law firm owner client?