Becky and Josh review a theist’s strawman portrait of our beliefs, a provocateur’s Satanic conspiracies, another provocateur’s Instagram scandal, and everything wrong with a Christian crowdfunding campaign for a domestic terrorist. Tham tellth why he ithn’t on the epithode. News Jerry Falwell falls from leadership of Liberty University, lands well with $10.5m Dilbert creator thinks […]

Becky and Josh review a theist’s strawman portrait of our beliefs, a provocateur’s Satanic conspiracies, another provocateur’s Instagram scandal, and everything wrong with a Christian crowdfunding campaign for a domestic terrorist. Tham tellth why he ithn’t on the epithode.


Jerry Falwell falls from leadership of Liberty University, lands well with $10.5m
Dilbert creator thinks Biden campaign may be Satanic because of numerology
Christian crowdfunding platform raises $200k for teen arrested on charge of murdering BLM ralliers



As a professing atheist, you deny the existence of God, gods, deities, divinities, the spiritual. You believe only in the five senses, the material/energy based universe, the physical world. You believe all faith and emotions are based on complex chemistry and you believe the universe is the result of blind, non-intelligent processes, and billions and millions of years of evolution. Is that a correct analysis of your beliefs?

Why do you act so upset when a born-again Christian tells you “If you believe in Jesus Christ and His salvation you will be saved and if you do not, you will go to a burning Hell forever,” especially considering that the Christian is telling you this because he or she really believes that and wants you to be saved and go to Heaven (even if you believe they are wrong and that does not exist, they are being sincere in their care for you), if it is all a myth and fantasy? -Deacon from The Internet