have you ever purchased an item you saw on a social media feed?
word of the day
greece is introducing a new "work week" 
game: slogan game
what do you think of kids couture?
what the new "dream home" looks like
game:  movies trivia
would you pay an additional fee to eat al fresco?
ways you've injured yourself
game: name the band by the members
goodbye/fun facts....national graham crakcer day. When Sylvester Graham first invented the slightly sweetened cracker, he intended it as a health food. In the early 1800s, the Presbyterian minister developed the cracker as part of his "Graham Diet" program. They were made from whole wheat graham flour with added bran and wheat germs. He believed his snack would curb sinful cravings.  By 1925, the National Biscuit Company (which would later become Nabisco) began making Honey Graham Crackers. today they come in a variety of flavors including honey, cinnamon, and chocolate. They also come in smaller bite-size snacks and fun shapes....and they're a summer staple for s'mores!