what's the perfect movie length?
word of the day
game: calendar trivia
do you always have a vacation destination in mind or have you just gotten in the car and figured it out on the way
lawn/garden injuries
safari park or zoo?
game: quiz
gamed: feud
did you mom ever cut/trim your hair? 
what's your "vibe" for May?
goodbye/fun facts....national zipper day...The first attempt at creating the zipper came from the inventor of the sewing machine. In 1851, Elias Howe received a patent for the “Automatic, Continuous Clothing Closure.” Even though Howe patented his invention... never marketed it.  Forty-two years later, Whitcomb Judson began selling the “Clasp Locker.” Similar to Elias Howe’s patent, this device served as a more complicated hook-and-eye shoe fastener. Judson started the Universal Fastener Company...In 1906, he hired Gideon Sundback, a Swedish-American electrical engineer who created and was granted a patent for the modern zipper, known then as the "Separable Fastener....and we call it a zipper because in 1923 b.f. goodrich used Gideon Sundbäck's fastener on a new type of rubber boots and referred to it as the zipper, and the name stuck.