birthdays/events DON!
game: al pacino movie quotes
word of the day
is it weird when someone only takes cash or check these days?
game:  1 second song trivia
a survey defined when we're "old"
how do you deal with backhanded compliments?
game: general trivia
it's nice be outside/in the yard...but does that mean you have to clean more? 
is there a point in your d.i.y. when you'll call a professional or are you determined to finish a project yourself
what jobs do people have who earn over $150,000 a year?
goodbye/fun facts....National DNA day...On this day in 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick formally announced their discovery of the 3 dimensional double helix they called deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Fast forward to 1990, when scientists from around the world came together to begin mapping the human genome...and while DNA evidence isn't typically the number one resource used for solving crimes, it has been instrumental in both exonerating or confirming individuals. Genealogical DNA testing companies usually run annual sales around DNA Day if you've ever wanted to research your family. Watch documentaries:=. "Decoding Watson - DNA: The Greatest Story Ever Told" (PBS) "The Gene" (PBS)