15% of americans tip more during the you?
word of the day
what's your 'go-to' gift card for gifting
only 3% of americans have an actual allergy...but 30% of us think we do...what do you think you're allergic to?
game: everybody knows
the nrf said americans only want to spend $875 on gifts...but we actually spend double!!  what about you?
is your kid scared to take a picture with santa?
game: outburst
christmas holiday foods from around the world
game: mindtrap
goodbye/fun facts....Enjoy a delicious breakfast or snack on National Oatmeal Muffin Day. Oatmeal includes health benefits for our hearts. Finding ways to incorporate it into our diets increases the opportunities to reap those benefits. The American muffin is similar in size and shape to a cupcake. Recipes for oatmeal muffins began to appear in American cookbooks in the mid-1800s.  Raisins, bananas, blueberries and other healthy fruits often compliment oatmeal muffins. Add nuts for even more health benefits and texture, too.